The results of my questionnaires are below in various different forms.
The bar chart shows that 90% of people would like to see information on local gigs and 10% would 'maybe' like to see this information. I think that because nobody who answered the questionnaires said 'no' that information on local gigs should definitely be included.
The 'doughnut' chart shows that most of the people I asked do read music magazines therefore their opinions are the most useful. Only one person said they never purchase music magazines and the majority purchase them monthly. This should help me with my research as I can decide to make my magazine be monthly. This means it can then include monthly features.
The line chart shows the results of 'How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?' This shows that the majority (45%) think that £2.00-£3.00 is an acceptable price to pay for a music magazine. This is something o take into consideration when pricing my magazine. Also if overpriced this could put readers off buying the magazine.
When asking 'What is the main reason you buy music magazines?' 5 people said to find out about the latest music and 3 people said to read interviews and one person said because a certain heading would grab their attention. The other 11 people left this question unanswered.
When asked 'What colours do you feel are appropriate for a music magazine?
Most people answered 'bright colours' and 'primary colours' Other people answered with 'green and red' When making my colour scheme for my magazine I am going to try and keep the colour scheme bright to attract readers attention but also try to keep it 'neat.'
When asked 'Is there anything you dislike about conventional music magazines?' the most popular answer was 'not really.' However some people answered that some bands do not get the coverage they deserve.
From these results I have gathered that the colour scheme should be bright and the price kept between £2.00-£3.00 and most people would purchase a magazine monthly.