Monday, 24 January 2011

Masthead re-invention and design process

The masthead of ‘Hard’ was only ever originally intended as a temporary idea in the event of ‘nothing better coming along’. And so, since the idea was to be implemented for a music magazine I decided that putting my iPod on shuffle and simply trying to derive a song title would be a fitting method. It would also be in keeping with the themes and tone of the magazine if the name was something which is reflective of new music and current artists and bands rather than a name which plays tribute to older bands.

The title of DARE (as in the Gorrilaz song) seemed appropriate not only in that it falls in line with the general requirement of a short/snappy name but also bared connotations of excitement and youthfulness in contrast to the connotations of HARD which were blaringly obvious upon reflection.

Below area number of different designs for this new masthead, with the colours being interchangable for all:

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